Factoid Fridays: How Much Sleep Do Kids Need?

Fact: Although children do need a decreasing amount of sleep as they age, teenagers up to age 18 or so still need a few hours more than the average adult! Check out this table below. Are your kids achieving their sleep targets? Or perhaps more to the point…are...

Factoid Friday: Poor literacy can be fatal

The effects of poor literacy on an individual can be wide-reaching as well as deep: we’ve covered quite a bit of ground in recent articles, from gender-related effects to prison sentences. A recent article on the BBC outlined the potential that poor literacy has to...

Factoid Friday: Prisons and Illiteracy

So strong is the link between literacy and being a useful member of society that some states use grade-level reading statistics as a factor in projecting future prison construction. – Bob Chase, President, National Education Association...

Factoid Friday: Illiteracy Costs Society $17 Billion

Since 1983, more than 10 million Americans reached the 12th grade without having learned to read at a basic level. In the same period, more than 6 million Americans dropped out of high school altogether. – A Nation Still at Risk, U.S. Department of Education,...

£1 billion for adult literacy and numeracy in the UK

Here is an article about the vast sums of money being spent on adult literacy: Government pledges £1billion It makes Easyread look pretty good value! The results achieved by adult literacy programmes are usually pitiful.  They are almost always based on a weekly or...

Poor Reading Leads To Crime

Here is an article about the link between poor literacy and crime: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/education/article5513297.ece I originally got involved in literacy through working in the Shannon Trust, which gets literate prison inmates to teach their...

News Report: Faulty Gene is the link to dyslexia…

Here is an interesting post about the influence of genes on dyslexia: Faulty Gene “is the link to dyslexia” Of course, I think this view of the world misses the point really. We know that our genes have a big influence on these things.   So to find an...

Marin Literacy Program

Here is information on an amazing system in California, teaching adults how to read.   We are planning an Easyread version for adults in due course. Marin Literacy Program

The Cost of Illiteracy in New Orleans

It turns out that many of the residents of New Orleans have been unable to read the forms they need to fill in to receive assistance, following Hurricane Katrina. With $10 billion on offer, that is going to be expensive dyslexia! It is just a very graphic example of...